Saturday, 7 January 2012

Baldness is a hairy situation

A lot of UW-Green Bay professors are bright above the
shoulders. That is mostly because their bald shiny heads reflect
the light into students' eyes. There are a lot of different
theories about why so many professors are bald. Professors believe
it is from students being lazy. Students believe it is from the
stress of professors thinking up ridiculously hard exam questions.
Whatever it is, it's hard to overlook the fact that a lot of
professors who are bald also have some sort of facial hair. There
is a direct correlation between bald professors and the likelihood
they have a beard. The Harvard of cosmetology, Hairvard University,
released a study that shows a link between baldness and the chances
of having facial hair. Hairvard professor Dr. Harry Rogaine's
research shows there is a 78 percent chance of bald men having
facial hair. "When men lose their hair, they tend to over
compensate by growing it somewhere else on their body," Rogaine
said. "It will most likely be on their face." For bald men, growing
facial hair is the way they calm their unsteadiness of losing their

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