Saturday, 7 January 2012

Static hair The science behind the frizz

Static electricity is a real cosmetic problem for many people
causing bad hair mornings and annoying frizz during the day. This
problem is the same thing that causes you to get a shock when you
touch a metal doorknob after walking across a polyester carpet. We
all know the phrase static hair but do you really know why your
hair acts like it does because of it? The science bit Your hair is
made up of atoms, which in turn are made up of electrons, protons
and neutrons. If the atom has the same amount of protons and
electrons, it is neutral. When electrons move from one atom to
another, though, the atom becomes an ion which means its either
positive or negatively charged. If you remember your physics what
happens when two of the same charges come together they repel!! And
so with your hair, each hair becomes positively charged because it
is loosing electrons and so each hair is repelling the

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